Visceral Leishmaniasis in Albania

A handbook for infectious disease specialists and public health professionals
Pipero, Pellumb
Lage 2012, ISBN 978-3-89918-205-7, 224 p., 24,90 Euro

Management in Health Care Practice

A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals
Editors: Kovacic, Luka; Zatetel-Kragelj, Lijana
Lage 2008, ISBN 978-3-89918-175-3, 672 p., 39,90 Euro

Health Systems and their Evidence Based Development

A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals
Editors: Bjegovic, Vesna; Donev, Donco; Dikanovic, Bosiljka
Cooperation: Laaser, Ulrich; Kovacic, Luka
Lage 2005, ISBN 978-3-89918-123-4, 580 p., 34,90 Euro

Basic Principles and Methods of Epidemiologic Inquiry

Parimet dhe Metodat Baze te Kerkimit Epidemiologjik
Roshi, Enver; Burazeri, Genc; Elezi, Nevzat
Lage 2004, 978-3-89918-122-7, 262 p., 34,90 Euro

AIDS, Culture and Body Politics in Pakistan

Zakar, Muhammad
Lage 2004, ISBN 978-3-89918-134-0, 170 p., 35,90 Euro

Introduction to Health Sciences, Public Health, and Health Promotion

Hyrje në Shkencat e Shëndetit, Shëndetin Publik, dhe Promocionin Shëndetësor
Roshi, Enver; Burazeri, Genc; Miho, Vasil; Laaser, Ulrich
Lage 2004, ISBN 978-3-89918-139-5, 122 p., 34,90 Euro

Research Methods in Public Health /Metodologjia e Kerkimit Shkencor ne Shendet Publik

A „Starter“ for Ambitious Researchers /Nje Aperitiv per Studjuesit „Ambicioze“
Burazeri, Genc; Roshi, Enver; Tavanxhi, Nertila
Lage 2002, ISBN 978-3-89918-102-9, 200 p., 24,90 Euro

The Reconstruction of Public Health Training in South Eastern Europe

Editors: Laaser, Ulrich; Kovacic, Luka
Lage 2001, ISBN 978-3-932136-81-8, 75 p., 19,90 Euro

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